Valerie Love-Parker’s personal admiration for this information age in which we live is the inspirational bedrock for Phoenix Financial for Abundant Prosperous Life. Her desire is to know, and for what she does not know, to learn more about how to live in abundance and prosperity as she encourage and admonish others to do the same. Valerie Love-Parker is compelled by a unique passion for literacy; a desire for deeper personal solutions, as well as an endeavor for a creative, more efficient way for needs and concerns to be addressed as we put our faith in the guidance of the professionals we look to, and trust in, to inform our informed decisions.
With a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration; a Master of Arts, with a focus on Faith Based Community Planning and Education; 26 years as a military officer in a Military Medical unit and subsequent Training Unit; 10 years teaching experience with Chicago Public Schools as a certified teacher teaching Physical and Chemical Sciences; and experience as a Pre-licensing Instructor for financial service industry representatives, Valerie provides leadership that spans the complexities enough to encourages the making of informed decisions. An intricate part of her plan development for the services, products, and solutions she advocates is personal experiences, training, continued education, and networking collaborations. In such, she sharply encourage individuals to reflect on their own personal circumstances, goals, and concerns in the decisions they make and to actively participate in the ebbs and flows of the ensuing results. All of this in an effort to foster the movement toward, or maintenance of, an abundant prosperous life of independence.
In forming Phoe. Fi. for APL, Valerie was attracted to an opportunity to educate using a holistic approach. The focus is on offering information about health and wealth which includes information on the essentials for the body and mind.
Valerie believes that the strength and reliability of the services provided by PhoeFi4APL stands on the selection of quality products for which we offer our reviews. Through collaborative relationships with industry professionals, as well as our own standard of professionalism, honor and respect for the values of those for whom we are reaching out to serve, we are sure it will be realized that We Are Here To Inform & Help.